News Kay Burley tv

There aren’t enough car crashes in the world to describe culture secretary Liz Frazer’s next-level awful interview with Kay Burley

There’s been a lot of talk about Rishi Sunak having a very shallow talent pool of Conservative MPs with which to fill his Cabinet.

But we had no idea just how shallow that pool had become until we watched culture secretary – culture secretary! – Liz Frazer interviewed by Sky’s Kay Burley today.

And just in case you’re thinking we’re being a wee bit too harsh, just watch whatever the hell this is.

Lucy Frazer is also a barrister, it says here, although we’re not sure we’d be rushing to appoint her any time soon.

And while we scrabble to lift our jaw from the floor, here’s just a flavour of what people made of that.

Last word to the brilliant @RosieisaHolt.


A posse of white nationalists defeated by a train turnstile is fabulously funny and so very perfect

Source @Haggis_UK