Celebrity Gregg Wallace masterchef tv

This day in the life of Gregg Wallace is a hilarious Michelin-starred treat and deserves to be devoured again and again

To the world of Gregg Wallace now, where the Masterchef judge shared with the Daily Telegraph what he gets up to on a normal Saturday.

And when we say it’s a hilarious Michelin-starred treat we are really not messing around.

It went viral after it was shared by @edcumming.

You’ll have to zoom in to enjoy it in full …

… but here are just a few of our favourite bits to give you a taster.




And if Alan Partridge sprang to mind at some point (basically, every point) then you weren’t alone. Here are our favourite things people said about it.

And if that’s stimulated your appetite, you can find the whole article over on the Telegraph here.

To conclude …

Source @edcumming Daily Telegraph