Politics bbc breakfast

BBC Breakfast’s Sally Nugent went all Jeremy Paxman on health secretary Victoria Atkins and people loved it

To BBC Breakfast now, where estimable presenter Sally Nugent was keen to ask the health secretary Victoria Atkins about the NHS budget for dentistry.

Dentists have been critical of the government’s NHS dentistry ‘recovery plan’ and Atkins has repeatedly dodged questions on whether the plan was being funded by an underspend in the NHS dentistry budget and if the current budget was far lower than it was 10 years ago.

So Nugent had another go. And another go. And another go. And it was just magnificent!

Still didn’t get an answer though.

It took us back to that Jeremy Paxman interrogation of Michael Howard on Newsnight all those years ago.

Maybe we shouldn’t be calling it ‘a Paxman’. ‘A Nugent’ serves just as well.

And here are just a few of the things people were saying about it.


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