‘Early 2000s commercials certainly knew their demographic’
They don’t make ads like this anymore. And it’s probably for the best.
‘Early 2000s commercials certainly knew their demographic,’ said SomeDudesBackup who shared it over on Reddit.
Early 2000s commercials certainly knew their demographic
byu/SomeDudesBackup inUnexpected
‘I remember people that would use an entire can of this or Axe before going out. Head to fucking toe spray themselves, it was potent.’
SquireSquilliam‘I remember The horrible smell of Tag and Axe in my middle school locker room ‘
dontmindmeplz666‘The boner generation.’
CrocodileWorshiper‘They made the demographic what it is today.’
Bawhittington‘Early 00s were such a weird time in pop culture.’
They’re not kidding.
Source Reddit u/SomeDudesBackup