This sexist Disney job rejection letter from 1938 has just gone wildly viral and gets more jaw-dropping with every paragraph
In a sign of the casual, widespread and plain outrageous sexism that was common back in the day – this particular day being 1938 – this rejection letter sent by Disney to a woman wanting to join the creative animation team is quite the read.
When we say it gets more jaw-dropping with each new paragraph, we’re not kidding.
‘Job rejection letter sent by Disney to a woman in 1938,’ said Deepakhn who shared it over on Reddit.
“Women do not do any of the creative work in connection with preparing the cartoons for the screen, as that task is performed entirely by young men,” the letter states. “For this reason, girls are not considered for the training school.
“The only work open to women consists of tracing the characters on clear celluloid sheets with India ink, and then, filling in the tracing on the reverse side with paint according to directions.
“In order to apply for a position as ‘Inker’ or ‘Painter’ it is necessary that one appear at the Studio, bringing samples of pen and ink and water color work. It would not be advisable to come to Hollywood with the above specifically in view, as there are really very few openings in comparison with the number of girls who apply.”
Thank goodness things have moved on, although there remains some way (a long way) to go.
It prompted no end of comments on Reddit, and these 9 surely said it best.
‘I love how the reasoning is pure tautology. The second paragraph is basically saying “Women do not do this work because women do not do this work.”
‘Dear Mary:
‘There’s only room for one Mary at this company.
‘Times have changed. These days you might not even get a response if you’re not hired.’
‘This was back when women were only named ‘Mary’.’
‘Amazing positioning of Snow White and the witch.’
‘I like to believe that it was on purpose.’
‘Love how they explain the reasoning:
‘“Women do not do any of the creative work”
‘“Oh, weird, why not?”
‘“Great question! Well you see, it’s because the work is done entirely by young men. Does that clear things up?”
‘The position of “woman” has been filled’
‘Turns out there is a rejectionist position available to women, it just wasn’t open at the time.’
Source Reddit u/Deepakhn