Videos TikTok

This woman’s reaction to a dancing TikToker on the Tube is the most relatable thing we’ll see this year

When it comes down to it, there’s only one thing that we really require of public transport – that it arrives on time.

Sure, it would help if we also had a seat and it wasn’t butt-clenchingly expensive, but that’s just a bonus.

What we absolutely, definitely, totally 100% don’t require is a TikToker doing this, a trend which is becoming ever more common by the looks of it.

And we mention it not because it is supremely irritating but because of the entirely understandable reaction of the woman 23 seconds in. And it’s surely the most relatable thing we’re going to see this year.

We’re with @jamiesont.


To conclude …

Source @interesting_aIl @jamiesont