Politics conspiracy theories

Andrew Bridgen shared an obviously fake document and got community noted – 12 additional takedowns

Former Tory MP Andrew Bridgen, who lost the Conservative whip for comparing the Covid vaccine to the Holocaust, isn’t a man known for his intellect.

When it comes to gaffes, cock-ups and self-owns, however, he’s outstanding in his field. Let’s take a look.

1. He unironically posted this meme.

2. He spelt his own name incorrectly on his official Christmas card.

3. He insisted that English people are automatically entitled to an Irish passport.

4. He wanted the London Metropolitan Police to investigate Keir Starmer‘s Durham curry.

For consistency, should it not be the team at the Met who are investigating covid breaches at Number 10 who investigate the alleged covid breaches by Sir Keir Starmer and his team.

5. Earlier this month, he compared the rollout of the vaccine to the Post Office scandal.

6. He broke lobbying rules, so the Parliamentary Standards Committee suspended him for five days.

We could go on, but we won’t.

It was no surprise, then, when he shared what to everybody else was obviously a fake document.

The UN, WHO and WEF are all working to the same goals and I don’t like them and I don’t think my constituents will either, which is probably why they are not getting much publicity in the legacy media.

A UN agenda sheet supposedly showing plans to end the family unit and have the government raise the children

That sound is a thousand palms meeting faces. Almost inevitably, the Community Notes arrived.

This document is fake and not from UN: 

The actual goals of the UN are published here: sustainabledevelopment.un.org/content/docume…

Not only is it fake – it’s old and fake.

It wasn’t just Community Notes calling him out.













It’s sort of funny, but also not.

‘Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice …’

These rules were written in 1919. Over 100 years later people have intrinsically not changed that much. We should all read and study this, it must be resisted at all cost.

With a long and obviously fake list of Communist rules for revolution


Andrew Bridgen getting trolled on Newsnight was worth every penny of the licence fee

Image Screengrab, Screengrab