Celebrity actors

This clip of Jamie Dornan’s ‘harrowing accident’ just makes us love him even more

Whether you first spotted the actor Jamie Dornan as the terrifying serial killer in The Fall, the sheriff in the fairytale world of Once Upon a Time or as the man with the ‘singular’ tastes, Christian Grey of the Fifty Shades franchise, interviewee Jamie Dornan is an eye-opener.

The Northern Irishman is a funny, self-effacing and – it has to be said – goofy guest, who doesn’t mind making an idiot of himself, and this clip from Late Night with Seth Meyers is the perfect example.

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We’re sorry if those graphic images have upset any of you. There’ll be a helpline at the end*.

*There won’t.

TikTok users showed their support.

Thoughts and prayers.
Chantel Mitchell

Jamie let his intrusive thoughts win that day.
Linh Tran

Shocked he made it out alive.

I love that this man makes fun of himself.

I applaud his courage in sharing his nearly tragic story.

His swift recovery is nothing short of a miracle.
Nicole Roberts

It never fails, leave a Dad to his own devices, they will find trouble of their own making.
Meg Elizabeth

I want to see it at full speed.

Jamie is a mood.

Jaclyn-Marvelous Mouse Travels had these words of comfort.

God gives his strongest warriors the hardest battles.


Jamie Dornan’s revenge on his ‘rude’ friends was hilarious – and a little bit evil

Source @latenightseth Image Screengrab