Life work

Simply 14 messages from outrageously entitled bosses to have you hollering into next week

9. ‘Context: she had just found out that her boyfriend of 4+ years had been cheating on her. she started looking for another job immediately after reading this lmao’


10. ‘I received this email from my company today. They’re holding a company picnic and we’re expected to pay for all of it.’


11. ‘I laughed out loud at this email. Holy shit. Luckily I have 3 jobs and can afford to give my effective immediately notice when I show up tomorrow. Lol.’


12. ‘Not mine, but my friend shared this with me. I’m posting with permission. This was a mass email sent by her upper management.’


13. ‘Just got this email, guess I can say bye bye to my vacation’


14. ‘Disciplinary action for being sick and calling in’


Source Reddit r/antiwork H/T Buzzfeed