Americans are complaining about always being dehydrated in Europe – 17 sparkling responses
Turns out that some Americans – quite a lot of Americans, actually – think that just being in Europe makes you dehydrated.
We know this because writer @John__Phipps has been writing about it on Twitter.
Interesting: a new and inexplicable folk belief appears to have emerged among Americans that being in Europe makes you somehow dehydrated pic.twitter.com/gUdq82WmZ7
— John Phipps (@John__Phipps) April 7, 2024
And there’s more. Of course there’s more.
It’s genuinely impossible to tell what form of infrastructure or product—belief system perhaps?—is supposedly lacking in ‘Europe’ that means everyone is dehydrated here pic.twitter.com/mJltb1gsE8
— John Phipps (@John__Phipps) April 7, 2024
this is fascinating because “they don’t serve you enough water in europe” seems to be mutating into “europe itself will make you need to drink more water” https://t.co/wncIUzC4g1
— michael wave (@SzMarsupial) April 7, 2024
So @John__Phipps had an entirely reasonable question.
If someone can patiently explain to me what the complaint is here I promise I will listen politely and won’t immediately write back ‘that’s fucking ridiculous’ 🙂
— John Phipps (@John__Phipps) April 7, 2024
And not everyone said the same thing, but quite a few people did, and it was simply sparkling.
They’re walking more than they ever have in their lives at this point. This makes them thirsty
— timo (@timo_rf) April 7, 2024
Starting to think some people might be confusing being on holiday and spending all day walking around tourist attractions in the sun while staying in a hotel with ‘being in Europe’
— Jon Stone (@joncstone) April 7, 2024
This is because their trip to Europe is the only time 95% of Americans walk for more than 10 minutes a day. https://t.co/ipU5nz0FQZ
— Jill Filipovic (@JillFilipovic) April 7, 2024
drinking some wine with dinner every night: man, what is in the air in the country,
— michael wave (@SzMarsupial) April 7, 2024
Just like Americans, when I suddenly transition from an almost entirely sedentary lifestyle to walking 10 miles a day I mysteriously develop a wicked thirst.
— Keith Taylor (@Mr_KeithTaylor) April 7, 2024
noticed a while ago that americans finally discovered you can drink water instead of mountain dew and now they think they invented it. a weird culture, both omnipresent and expansionist and extremely insular.
— Frank Sobotka (@cymrurouge) April 7, 2024
people are not in their cars all the time so have to carry water around, a thought too upsetting for Americans
— lawrence dunn (@l_dunn1) April 7, 2024
Think it's as simple as being in a place where they're walking (rather than driving) all the time and a) not being air conditioned during such travel, or b) unwilling to carry water around during the already absurd and onerous task of bipedal locomotion.
— The author, Séamas O'Reilly (@shockproofbeats) April 7, 2024
The European body is specially adapted to deriving all necessary hydration from coffee, wine, and Orangina.
— Las Pasiones de Gundam (@Egregious_XII) April 7, 2024