Americans are complaining about always being dehydrated in Europe – 17 sparkling responses
they’re probably American who never walk that much so they feel the need for water when they are in europe
— Chronically Online (@ChronicallyOnly) April 7, 2024
They’re probably just walking around doing tourist shit all day, hence being thirsty often! lol
— girl paul giamatti ☎️ (@rebeccarightnow) April 7, 2024
probably side effects from corn syrup withdrawal
— Gravy (@Gravy_D2) April 7, 2024
The marketing of the need to always have a water bottle on you, preferably an expensive branded one, to Americans has been astoundingly successful.
— Klaus (@Klaus_Von_Trapp) April 7, 2024
It’s literally just that travel and being jet lagged make you feel dehydrated. I get this every time I travel, no matter the destination
— ✨Mick✨ (@godstinymistake) April 7, 2024
I suspect it’s partly because in Europe we aren’t terrified of tap water, so bottled water isn’t anywhere near as ubiquitous
— Rufus T. Mononym (@MrMononym) April 7, 2024
American who has lived in Europe for >25 years here. It is still insane to me that when you ask for water in a US restaurant, you are given a pint glass of iced water with a lil lemon slice. If you ask in Europe, you are given 250ml of lukewarm water.
— Sarah Sturrock (@SturrockSarah) April 7, 2024
It’s not inexplicable…
A baby is more cozy and comfy when it knows milk is nearby, bottle, what have you
Americans like water nearby from same instincts and europoors don’t serve water anywhere so they have to think about hydrating w/o being served water— K | CEO of tortured poets era (@keyladelslay) April 7, 2024
And also this.
The problem is they (as always) use the term Europe so broadly and they can’t get this through their heads.
Do they mean Italy or Blackpool Pier?
— Zayne (@BornSlippy96) April 7, 2024
Last word to @John__Phipps.
Replies to this is 1500 people saying “Americans can’t walk” and 500 people saying “no water in Europe” and one sole guy punking my ass with stats showing Europeans are way more dehydrated than Americans
— John Phipps (@John__Phipps) April 7, 2024
And this.
If you liked this tweet about minor cultural differences maybe you will like the article about rare drug side effects that I worked on for almost three years?https://t.co/bfSU9yLluF
— John Phipps (@John__Phipps) April 7, 2024
This ‘egg and wine diet’ from 1970s Vogue went wildly viral and it’s quite the read
Source @John__Phipps