A troll accused Hannah Waddingham of ‘fake outrage’ and the entire internet replied as one
You’ll know by how Hannah Waddingham had everyone applauding with her fabulous response to a photographer on the red carpet who asked her to ‘show some leg’.
But just in case you need reminding …
Hannah Waddingham, “You’d never say that to a man, my friend” when a photographer demanded she show some leg. pic.twitter.com/UFxMhkPSq6
— AskAubry (@ask_aubry) April 15, 2024
‘Oh my God, you’d never say that to a man, my friend. Don’t be a dick, otherwise I’ll move off. Don’t say ‘show a little leg’. No.’
And it had people loving the presenter, singer and actress even more than they already did.
Not everyone, though. And when we say not everyone, we mean Neil Sean, who you might remember from Metro back in the day, and is now a ‘media correspondent and filmmaker’.
And this is what he had to say.
And so many said the same thing in response it was visible from space.
It’s her choice when she shows leg, not some middle aged man..
— Big Brother Hub UK (@BigBrotherHubUK) April 16, 2024
agency is when a woman CHOOSES what parts of her body to show and when. you cherry picking public events where she CHOOSES to display her legs is gotcha moment you think it is you pathetic excuse of a man. it’s not when another man screams for her to show a leg. https://t.co/2uVIwPjja9
— Mariana (@spiceymemory) April 16, 2024
The problem isn’t about her having her leg on show. It’s about a photographer telling her what to do with her body. You’ve missed the point entirely here
— Bradley Judge (@BradJudge) April 16, 2024
A reminder that consent is something that is freely and willingly given but can be revoked at any point, and that bodily autonomy is about the right to do what you want with your body, without pressure or manipulation. And being firm about those things does not make you a ‘diva’. https://t.co/hnWyL1Yx42
— Aya (@AyaReina) April 16, 2024
There is a difference between showing your leg voluntary to disagreeing to show ‘a bit of leg’ when prompted by a photographer.
— Paula London (@misspaulalondon) April 16, 2024
a woman having agency over how she dresses vs being yapped at to show more of her skin like she’s an object for public consumption – same thing, apparently! https://t.co/LaSUfiCpeM
— b (@weltonsbecca) April 16, 2024
Okay so first, all of these pictures were from last year’s Olivier’s…so she didn’t need to “climb” anywhere. She’s already BEEN there, mate. Second, absolutely no one is entitled to ask her to “show her leg”. I can only explain it to you, I can’t understand it for you.
— Erin (@rweltonlasso) April 16, 2024
a bit hilarious thinking you’re actually going to be praised for unveiling hannah waddingham like a scooby doo villain but anyone with half a brain cell will see you’re, embarrassingly, just proving exactly why she was right to call out the misogyny when it was in front of her. https://t.co/bJy8EAJ1MX
— hollie (@ewaudreyhorne) April 16, 2024
do you have any capacity to think? showing any part of your body by choice and getting told to “show it” in a public space by some random man is not the same thing? the audacity for you to tweet this is pathetic.
— Kard (@struckbyColfer) April 16, 2024
I said i wont engage but i will do it for education purposes. I need people to understand the differences between choosing something to do for yourself and when someone else commands you to do it!!! https://t.co/Mixtb37go2
— agapi (@wadderscrown) April 16, 2024
To conclude …
Woman makes her own decisions about her own body shocker. pic.twitter.com/oyuDinNF6P
— Jason Reid (@JasonReidUK) April 16, 2024
Ashley James on Hannah Waddingham calling out that photographer is a minute very well spent
H/T @JasonReidUK