Videos funny sky news tv

This was an absolutely brilliant spot and a hilarious watch and now everyone wants to know what they were talking about

It turns out it’s not always at the forefront of your TV screen where the important news is happening – even when it’s the TV news.

This was of course a very serious Sky News report about water quality in the south-west of England, and yet all anyone could talk about what intel the woman in blue at the back of the picture was sharing.

It went wildly viral after the brilliant spot shared by @graceyldn and, well, best have a watch for yourself.

It’s at this point we should add it was no doubt nothing of the sort and just looked like it.

But these people had a bit of a bit of fun with it anyway.

We reckon it was something along the lines of: ‘I bet I know how I can make this clip go viral.’

Source @graceyldn