Politics election Victoria Derbyshire

Brexit hard man Steve Baker was asked what he’d do if he’s not an MP and it’s an instant hall of famer

You might already be familiar with the work of Conservative MP, Northern Ireland minister and all-round Brexit hard man Steve Baker.

We don’t have time here to revisit his entire CV but might we recommend this Independent piece, ‘Clueless confessions of a ridiculous Brexit fanatic’, which pretty much sums it up.

And we mention him because the BBC’s Victoria Derbyshire caught up with Baker after Rishi Sunak’s surprise election announcement and the whole thing is worth a watch.

This bit in particular.

But this bit – this bit! – is the specific reason we’re here, when Derbyshire asks him what he’ll do if he’s not an MP, and it delivers beyond all – ALL – expectations.


Source @AccidentalP