Entertainment comedy

Colin from Portsmouth has some really strong opinions on the general election – and he’s not afraid to share them

Not to be too Brenda from Bristol about it, but we’re all going to be sick of hearing about the general election before the six weeks are up, although reading funny posts about it should certainly help.

If anyone can keep our minds laser-focused on the important points, it’s Colin from Portsmouth – the permanently irritated and often confused radio phone-in regular, created by the brilliant Anthony Richardson and Mark Davison – popularly known as the Exploding Heads.

As you can imagine, Rishi Sunak‘s announcement had Colin’s mind working overtime, and we reaped the benefit.

“England will be out by then. Perfect moment for the nation to dust itself off and reunite in glory.”

Like they say – always look on the bright side of life. Colin’s perspective had Twitter/X in stitches.










As a Portsmouth man, there is one thing that might change Colin’s mind about Sunak.

If you’d like to support The Exploding Heads’ work, you can ‘buy them a coffee’ via this link.

And now, you can gift a loved one a Colin rant for a special occasion. No, really.


Colin from Portsmouth’s advice for London voters may be his funniest rant so far

Source The Exploding Heads Image Screengrab