Videos Question Time water companies
This guy brilliantly nailed the water companies’ scandal in 45 seconds flat on Question Time and had everyone applauding
As no-one anywhere needs reminding, the nation’s water industry is in a mess, with parasites in the Devon drinking water, sewage spills doubling last year making people scared to go into the sea, Thames Water on the verge of going bust and of course dividends to shareholders going only one way. Up.
And we mention all this not just to make you angrier than you probably already were, but because one particular audience member in the Question Time audience absolutely nailed the scandalous state our water – and the people who purport to safeguard it – finds itself in today.
And it’s very much worth 45 seconds of your time.
Man in blue, “Thames Water on the verge of going bust.. The water industry is the perfect business model.. Their market is every home, every business.. Their customers are forced to use their company.. There’s zero competition.. They’re selling a product made up of 70% of the… pic.twitter.com/xgCwAqiov7
— Farrukh (@implausibleblog) May 23, 2024
We’d raise a glass to that, if only we could be sure it was safe to drink.
So true. And they get their supply for free. It literally falls out of the sky. Which is why it should never have been privatised. What right have they to sell water to us at a proof when they literally get it for free and have a monopoly market?
— Liz Linnard (@HabitaresLtd) May 23, 2024
The water companies are interested in maximising profit during their tenure. Theres nothing else to understand. Customer is captured, they have to buy the product.
— Robert Sturt (@robertsturt) May 24, 2024
Since privatisation no resovoirs have been built, the whole infrastructure’s been neglected all in favour of lining shareholders pockets. It’s insane how the govt give zero fucks when people NEED water, WE don’t have a choice. Instead of bailing them out give jail instead FML.
— Claire #EnoughIsEnough (@clairebubblepop) May 24, 2024
Natural monopolies and essential services should always remain under public control and never be privatised.
— haNi (@Blabeen) May 24, 2024
To conclude …
Amazing comment on water companies by this gentleman. Absolute legend. #BBCQT https://t.co/HEgvfgTxca
— Marion (@Soleilmoonray) May 23, 2024
If you’re still in the mood for a slightly deeper dive, there’s a good opinion piece from the Guardian here.
James Blunt wasn’t taking this old Paul Weller diss lying down and that’s entertainment!
Source @implausibleblog