Weird World funny

This bride and groom’s fight remains one of the funniest wedding stories ever – and the grossest

There’s no shortage of funny stories about wedding days gone wrong. Mothers-in-law wearing white frilly dresses, priests falling onto the happy couple, drunken pranks smashing the cake – but there’s only one we can think of that involves actual poo.

In case that’s too small to read, here it is again.

Bride’s och aye, the poo!

A FUMING bride DECKED her kilt-wearing hubby when he sat on her knee at the reception and left a SKIDMARK on her wedding dress!

Like all true Scotsmen, Angus McClure, 26, didn’t wear pants under his kilt when he married sweetheart Sarah Grant in Greenock, renfrewshire. But his traditionalism led to uproar when he perched his poorly-wiped backside on 24-year-old Sarah’s pristine frock,
leaving an unsightly smear.

After Sarah swiped at Angus, the well-refreshed McClure and Grant clans led the reception into bloody mayhem.

A police source said:
“I’ve been a police officer in Greenock for nearly 20 years and so I’ve seen a lot of wedding parties turn nasty but this was something else.”

In total, seven people were arrested in the grounds of wedding venue, Greenock Reformed Temperance Hall, and face public order offences.

It’s believed that Angus and Sarah were reconciled when they sobered up, and have no memory whatsoever of the melee.

We’re sure the irony of a drunken brawl in a ‘Temperance Hall’ was lost on nobody.






The whole mess could easily have been avoided.

Either that or a bloody good wipe.


This man’s hilarious confession to a childhood prank may be the best wedding present a groom ever received

Source Iain Cameron Image Iain Cameron, StockSnap on Pixabay (Not the actual couple)