Politics bbc news election nigel farage

Nigel Farage’s hilarious on-air meltdown was so funny even the BBC News man laughed at him and it’s just fabulous

It’s probably quicker to list the news programmes Nigel Farage hasn’t appeared on than it is to list all those he has after the newly self anointed Reform UK leader announced he was running in the general election after all.

And if you feel like you can’t possibly stomach any more Farage right now – an entirely understandable reaction – might we respectfully suggest you take a deep breath and watch this. It’s less than a minute – honest! – but will stay with you much longer than that

It’s the BBC’s Ben Thompson putting the questions and Farage throwing his toys out of the pram, obviously. And it’s so good even the BBC News man had to laugh.

Bravo, Ben Thompson! And here’s just a little bit of what people made of all that.






