Politics facepalm Mexico

Some people weren’t happy when the new Mexican president thanked ‘Jesus’ and it’s today’s funniest facepalm

Congratulations to Claudia Sheinbaum who has won a landslide victory to become Mexico’s first female president (stick with us, you are reading the Poke).

Sheinbaum, a leftwing climate scientist and former mayor of Mexico City, is also the first person from a Jewish background to lead the country which – it says here – is known for its macho culture and home to the world’s second biggest Roman Catholic population.

Why are we telling you this? Because an awful lot of people weren’t happy when she thanked Jesus after her election, and it’s today’s funniest facepalm.

People like this, for instance.

And this.

Except there was one important point they appeared to be missing by some considerable distance.

Got that?

And if anyone at the back still didn’t hear.

Funniest facepalm of the week? Probably too early to call, let’s face it …


Nigel Farage’s hilarious on-air meltdown was so funny even the BBC News man laughed at him and it’s just fabulous