Videos BBC fail tv

People loved this BBC newsreader’s response to an autocue cock-up and it just gets better and better

You might already recognise the fabulous BBC newsreader Maryam Moshiri after that unfortunate on-air middle finger. Remember this?

And we mention it because Maryam has been at it again. Not a middle finger this time but an unfortunate autocue cock-up which was obviously none of her doing and her brilliant response had everyone cheering.

Watch to the end!

Couldn’t have been handled any better (or funnier). The moment went wildly viral after it was shared by all-round top telly critic and presenter @scottygb and here’s what Maryam herself had to say about it.

We’re with these people.


This fabulous takedown of Laurence Fox’s Pride flag burning stunt is a tailor-made hall of famer

Source @NathanEChard H/T @scottygb