Twitter Laurence fox Pride takedowns

This fabulous takedown of Laurence Fox’s Pride flag burning stunt is a tailor-made hall of famer

Happy Pride month one and all, the annual celebration of people coming together in love and friendship, to show how far LGBTQ+ rights have come, and how in some places there’s still work to be done.

Some people are less keen on it, and when we say some people, in this particular instance we mean Laurence Fox, who last year went viral with a flag burning stunt in his backyard.

And we mention it again not because we want to think about the actor turned wannabe politician any more than is strictly necessary, but because of this rather fabulous response which has just gone viral – wildly viral! – on Twitter.

It’s by menswear writer Derek Guy – @dieworkwear on Twitter where he is basically a phenomenon – and it’s cut to perfection.

Takedowns don’t come more bespoke than that.

Some people took issue with it and it just made it even better.

And here is just a bit of the love people had for it.

Follow @dieworkwear here!

Last word to the estimable @dieworkwear.

And also this!

Follow @dieworkwear here!


Andrew Tate’s been standing in the rain with his top off (bless) and the internet responded as one

Source @dieworkwear