Twitter facepalm

This author’s bigoted not-stalgia for ‘Virginia Woolf’s London’ got her dragged into next year – 24 capital responses

Whatever else you can say about American author and conspiracy theorist, Naomi Wolf, and people say a lot of things about her, she’s certainly provided the world with plenty of comic relief, or at least comedy-adjacent cringe.

In 2019, when she was a guest on BBC Radio 3’s ‘Free Thinking’, while discussing her book Outrages: Sex, Censorship, and the Criminalization of Love, it became horribly apparent that a key conclusion about the treatment of gay men in the 1870s had been based on her utter misunderstanding of a historic legal term.

In pre-Musk times, she was suspended from the platform then known as Twitter for hot takes like this …

And this …

There was also the time she let her 5G-phobia persuade her that 1970s Belfast was calm, still and peaceful.

It was amazing to go to Belfast, which
does not yet have 5G, and feel the
earth, sky, air, human experience, feel
the way it did in the 1970s. Calm, still,
peaceful, restful, natural.

In that same spirit of Facebook nostalgia porn, in response to a long post unfavourably comparing London to Tallinn and Helsinki, she lost all hope of ever getting a job with VisitEngland.

I am in London for the first time in 5 years. Unrecognizable. Grotesque huge modern buildings looming over historic neighborhoods. No sign of British culture except for vestigial pubs. Huge LED screens in formerly beautiful peaceful streets.  People sleeping, living on the street. Dirt and chaos. Bike riders on sidewalks as newly in NYC! My Ghanaian cab driver (UK born) complaining about the loss of British culture and about immigrants who are taking over town councils one by one. There is no hint of Virginia Woolf’s London. It’s a globalist parking lot. Tragic.

The collective facepalm was visible from space, and these reactions said it all.











