Life mobile phones public transport

17 intrepid attempts to make sense of those cretins who refuse to wear headphones on public transport


“It’s a selfish response that shows they aren’t particularly smart. The only reason they are able to hear their clips is because no one else is playing anything out loud. If everyone acted in the same way as the person, the whole thing would be a din and they wouldn’t be able to hear their own device.

So the reason they can hear their own device is because everyone else has decided to respect each other by not making a racket, and the offender hasn’t stumbled across a unique life hack, they are just unable to process basic manners that help us all get along when packed in together.

That they’ve never thought this through, shows they are dumb, and selfish.

Summary: playing your device out loud on the commute is a declaration that you’re not a nice person, or you’re an idiot, and probably, in fact, both.”


“I once asked a chap to turn down his music on a busy bus or use earphones, but he wouldn’t. So I shazam-ed the guy’s music and played his own music louder than him but slightly out of time. Bold move but he laughed and piped down. Phew ”


“I challenge any dimwit who does it on a train-train (I commute between London and Essex). Probably a hundred times this year. No-one has refused or kicked off – they just look embarrassed and switch it off. Tube dynamics are super hostile though.”


“Sit opposit him and start belting out ‘My Heart Will Go On’.”


“Hey I lived the British dream and told someone off for this once, he looked really awkward and turned the music off. Success!”


“The people that speak on loud speaker or FaceTime are just as bad. Best thing to remember is “do you want to be right or do you want to be happy”?

If you want to be right challenge it!, but you’ll be doing it nonstop. It will ruin your morning when people don’t comply the way you want them too!

If you want to be happy invest in some noise cancelling headphones and tune out the irritants.”


“It is because they are cunts. There were cunts before smart phones too, but modern technology has allowed them to excel at being cunts.”


“You won’t get an answer because those who play loud music on the tube can’t read.”

Source: Reddit r/London