Videos comedy

This brilliant archive clip of Stanley Unwin will leave you questioning your sanity

Those of us of a certain age will have fond memories of comedian Stanley Unwin. He was most famous for inventing his own bizarrely entertaining language which he called ‘Unwinese’.

He can be seen spouting this language in films such as Chitty Chitty Bang Bang, and he famously appears as a narrator on the wonderful Small Faces album, Ogdens’ Nut Gone Flake.

And now a fantastically weird and funny clip has turned up on Twitter/X of Stanley Unwin in ‘conversation’ with Peter Hawkins (famous for voicing the children’s TV show ‘Bill and Ben‘).

Thanks to James Hogg for sharing. It’s truly a meeting of minds.

Astonishing stuff! And here’s a bit more…


People, naturally, loved it…

Deep joy!

Source @JamesAHogg2