Life life hacks

People are sharing the life hacks they reckon more people should know – 23 top tips for your back pocket


“I recently heard “the opposite of anxiety isn’t calm, it’s action” meaning to counter the anxiety, do something.”


“For the average person, filing for bankruptcy is not the stressful, life-breaking event it’s made out to be. I was hesitant and my wife said, “You know that rich assholes do this regularly, right?”

“It was cheap and easy and got my family back on its feet after incurring debts that could not be avoided. Within months credit card offers started coming in.”


“Staying single by choice is an amazing way to live ones life.

“You are allowed not to have an opinion on something.

“Learning the power of NO.


“Don’t fight other drivers for road position, it’s not worth it. High risk, low reward. Recognize which drivers are dangerously aggressive and let them in or go around you. Be a courteous driver, don’t let your pride take the wheel.”


“Don’t take criticism from someone you wouldn’t take advice from.”


“As someone without family responsibilities, sprinkling my vacation time every Wednesday from mid october to the end of the year is a much better use of it than a few long weekends or 1 big chunk that fly by and don’t really refresh you.
Not having to work more than 2 days in a row for months hits the spot for me.”


“Never say something mean about someone at your job to someone else at your job. It will always get back to them.”


“‘No’ is a complete answer and sentence.”


“Perfect is the enemy of done.”


“Always keep a situational emergency question in your head at work, school etc.

“Cannot tell you the amount of times I’ve been caught slacking off or chatting with my friends. Before I could even be asked what I was doing, I’d just hit boss with that hey! 🙂 and immediately ask whatever emergency question I had been storing. Every time they’d answer, and forget that I wasn’t doing what I was supposed to in the first place.”


“Mind your business and keep your mouth shut.”


“If you put something down temporarily, say out loud “I’ve put the screwdriver by the microwave” or whatever.

“This engages many more areas of the brain (particularly the language centres) which creates a richer memory making it less likely you’ll forget where you put it.”


‘Most of life is just showing up to things.’

Source: Reddit r/askreddit 

Image: ArthurHidden/Freepik