Politics election Question Time Rishi Sunak

Rishi Sunak’s response to this woman on Question Time spoke volumes (and she had the perfect final word)

It’s fair to say it didn’t go entirely well for Rishi Sunak on BBC1’s Question Time election special on Thursday night. So no change there, then.

But one moment in particular seemed for many people to capture the real man behind the politician’s facade, the beleaguered PM’s response to this woman who asked about Sunak’s Rwanda policy and willingness to leave the European Court of Human Rights.

And his response – not just what he said but the way he said it – made for a particularly interesting watch.

Here are just a few of the many things people were saying about it.

Last word to the audience member, @HollandLateisha herself!


One man’s biting exchange with Sunak over the ECHR had the audience yelling “Shame!” at the PM – 19 enthusiastic endorsements

Source @Mrbaiti