News election telegraph

The Telegraph’s getting hilariously unhinged about the election and these 7 headlines make for a fabulously funny read

It would take a brave person to suggest that the Conservative Party election strategy isn’t going to plan. Not because it isn’t, but because there has been zero evidence that they had a plan in the first place.

And no-one is taking this worse than the Daily Telegraph. So much so that it’s become a bit of a spectator sport to spot the best ones, some of which were highlighted by the estimable @AdamBienkov over on Twitter.

Here they are in full.

And it wasn’t just Adam at it, obviously.

But surely the greatest Telegraph headline must go to this, back in the early – very early – days of the campaign which must seem like a lifetime ago to Sunak (and very possibly everyone else).

Close, but no cigar.

Source @AdamBienkov