Life fails reddit

People shared the most ‘idiotic things’ they got away with – 14 classic instances of ‘what were you thinking?’


‘Back before we realised our son was prone to car sickness, we let him have my wife’s phone to watch videos on a long drive. Queue vomiting, we stop and clean him up.

‘Back at home my wife realises she’s lost her phone. I use the ‘find my phone’ thing, and it says it’s somewhere in our car. I set off the pinging noise on my wife’s phone through mine. Turns out it’s on the roof of our car, I must have put it there in my rush to clean up our son. The sick on the phone made it sticky enough that it stuck on the roof for the remaining part of our journey.’
– Ahhhhrg


‘Left my car unlocked down near Exeter once, had just bought it, and the logbook was ready to be posted in an envelope on the front seat with some other post. Next day I’ve come back to find my stereo had been pulled out and nicked and all my post had disappeared! Now here I am shitting myself that someone is going to adjust the details and pinch my car from underneath me.

‘Nope the fuckers who had nicked my stereo and CDs had obviously decided that the least they could do (after stealing my shit) was to stick it in a postbox as the updated records turned up a week or two later!’
– Lost-in-Limbo


‘A mate of mine worked in a pub we used to frequent and often gave us a lift home. He gave us the car keys so we could sit in the car while he closed things down. Obviously being good mates, we decided to mess with everything we could, seat position, mirrors, etc. and helped ourselves to the crate of stubbies in the boot.

‘After about 20 minutes, it dawned on us that our mate didn’t smoke, but the car ashtray was overflowing with butts. It took us another 5 minutes to work out that there was an identical clapped out, poo brown Montego a few spaces over.’
– LordGeni


‘I repaired a puncture on my van, tightened the bolts up with my fingers and then lowered it off the car jack. My girlfriend then rang me and after the phone call I just got in the van and drove off, without tightening the bolts.’

‘My way home was about a 20 minute drive, most of it doing 60mph. As I got back near my home my steering was shaking so I pulled over and realised that my wheel was only just hanging on. I’m amazed it managed to stay on for along a it did.’
– _L1lo


‘Left a cardboard box containing my work laptop, personal laptop and steamdeck outside on my front step all night. Got a bit of a shock when I opened the door in the morning. 1) Why the hell did I leave it there? 2) How the hell is it all still there?’

– ehsteve23


‘Was traveling to India overland a few years ago. Staying in a hostel in Peshawa for a few days. I used to carry a shoulder bag at all times with my passport, money, camera and anything I needed. So one afternoon I was sat around a table with some other travellers partaking in some of that black squidgy stuff they have over there.

‘Went to my room a bit later for a lie down and realised I didn’t have my bag. In total panic I rushed back downstairs expecting the worse to find it hanging on the back of the chair and no one else around. I quickly went through it to see if anything was missing but it was all there and slipped into the pages of my passport was a slip of paper with ‘Isn’t life strange’ written on it.’
– elfin173

Some strong contenders there, but this has to be the most boneheaded of all…


‘Smuggled cocaine into America. I occasionally use, and left some in my wallet when I flew over to Florida. I had no idea so was calm as fuck as customs but would have been so so fucked if I had gotten caught.

‘Checked at a gas station in Florida and found it. Shit myself.

‘Don’t do drugs, kids.”

Source: r/heywhatwait