Politics donald trump joe biden

This Trumpist congressman says Joe Biden’s doctors will ‘jack him up on Mountain Dew’ to help him win the debate – 17 sparkling responses

On Thursday evening, the U.S. will once again witness a head-to-head debate between Joe Biden and Donald Trump in their campaigns for the presidency, nearly four years since the last ones.

The format has been agreed by both teams, in theory at least.

Nobody, however, is expecting it to be a civil and coherent affair.

Ahead of the big night, Trump and his supporters have been trying to undermine the integrity of the debate organisers, CNN, suggesting that they’re stacking the odds against him – and personally attacking one of the hosts, Jake Tapper.

Trump’s most frequent rants and social media posts have accused Joe Biden of being in the grip of serious cognitive decline, and on drugs to artificially boost his attention span and thought processes.

The former White House doctor, Ronny Jackson – or Johnson, if you’re Trump and can’t remember his name – has joined the MAGA cultists in calling for Biden to be drug tested.

Congressman Eric Burlison spoke to Fox News’ Maria Bartiromo, discussing the President’s ‘dementia’ and speculating on the steps his team might be taking to keep him lucid for two hours.

When dementia specialists discover that Mountain Dew alleviates the illness’s symptoms, they’re going to kick themselves for focussing all their trials on Irn-Bru and Lemon Fanta.

Twitter/X came out fighting.







