Politics election James cleverly Krishnan guru-murthy

Krishnan Guru-Murthy telling James Cleverly to ‘please stop’ is the most hilariously relatable moment of the campaign

Home Secretary James Cleverly was on Channel 4 News talking to Krishnan Guru-Murthy on Wednesday night. And when we say talking, we really do mean talking.

So much so that Guru-Murthy began to despair that he would ever get another question in. And there was a moment – from about 1m 50s in if you want to skip to it – where the Channel 4 News man just couldn’t take it anymore.

Stick with it for the most hilariously relatable moment of the election campaign so far.

‘Please stop.’

Amen to that.

And it took us back to the glorious moment Radio 4’s Mishal Husain said something similar to Boris Johnson back in the day.

More of this sort of thing please!

Source @mikoh123