Life life reddit

‘What makes you go from zero to 100 real quick?’ 18 most relatable things that give people the instant hump


“When my pocket gets caught on a door handle, tall guy problems.”


“When my earphones snag on something and get pulled out of my ear, it’s a very similar rage. I still use wired earphones, can’t trust myself to not lose wireless ones.”


“People having conversations on the phone with the other person on speaker phone on public transit. That or people watching videos without headphones. That shit pisses me off.”


“Accidentally biting the inside of my mouth when I’m enjoying my food. The sense of betrayal by my own body just makes me spit swear words for a while.”


“People smacking their gum or food when they eat.”


“People cutting in line.”


“When people respond to 1 person in an email thread with the reply all button. Or when people reply all to say that they need removed from an email thread.”


“‘Printer not connected to network’ MOTHERFU-”


“When I stand up for 2 seconds and someone says, ‘Where are you going?!'”

Source: Reddit/@Tinyfireball17