Life compliments reddit

People have been sharing the most bizarre ‘compliments’ they ever received – 20 proper jaw-droppers


“It was not said to me directly but I was in earshot. We were at a BBQ and my buddy’s mother couldn’t make out who I was from a ways away. She commented ‘Who is that? It looks like a refrigerator box with toothpicks for legs’.”


“‘I wish my son would get a girl like you pregnant’.”


A German man I was on a date with once tried flirting by telling me, ‘my nose was very proportionate to my face’. It was very German of him.


“That I have the cleanest ear canals said a nurse once when checking my ears (obviously).”


“This girl at my CrossFit gym came up to me after the workout and said ‘I love your smell’. I said ‘Oh thanks, it’s so and so cologne’. She said ‘no that’s not it, let me smell your armpit’. So I jokingly raised my arm and she stepped in and took a DEEP whiff and said ‘oh yeah, that’s it’. I was totally shocked.”


“‘Your snaggle tooth is just…so…sexy. Can I lick it?’ Uhhhhh”


“‘I wish more girls your size would dress like you!’

“I’m quite a big lady but I do like to experiment with fashion and alternative clothing. It actually felt nice to hear! ”


“I was once called ‘an impressive specimen’ by an opposing teams football coach. It was in the paper.”


“When a guy told me I had ‘child bearing hips’ I was a 18 yo college student ”


“An attractive buddy of mine once said: ‘you’re lucky man, when you look like you do, and a girl says they love you, you know they mean it for who you are, and not your looks’.

“Well he was right. I’ve been with my wife (way out of my league) for almost 4 1/2 years now. I know she loves me, and I love her to peices. In my eyes, I’m the luckiest man in the world.”

Source: Reddit/ @Majomember420