Celebrity Justin Timberlake peter andre

Justin Timberlake’s arrest prompted Peter Andre to share his own tale of being pulled over by police and it’s just magnificent

If you only read one response to the recent news of singer Justin Timberlake’s arrest for driving while intoxicated, make it this one.

The news caused fellow singer Peter Andre to reflect on his own, erm, similar run-in with the law on the pages of OK! magazine. And as Twitter/X user @ourrachblogs points out, Andre “is giving Richard Madeley some serious competition in the Alan Partridge stakes here.”

The glorious anecdote in full:

“It has been reported that Justin Timberlake was arrested for driving while intoxicated. Understandably, he’s facing a lot of scrutiny. Although I have never driven under the influence, it got me thinking about a time I was pulled over.

“I was driving in Ipswich to visit my brother and I got stopped by the police because they thought I had a pint of Guinness next to me. Unknown to them, it was just an iced black coffee with froth on top – and it looked very much like a Guinness.

“The policeman said to me, ‘Sir, when was the last time you had a drink?’ And I think he expected me to say ‘last night’ or ‘this morning’ but my answer was, ‘Around nine or 10 years ago.’ We both started laughing. I still had to take a breathalyser, though – which was obviously negative, but then he said to me, ‘Look, just a bit of advice, don’t put your coffee in a pint glass and drive around with it.’ Lesson learnt.”

Needless to say, the story and the reaction is giving us much glee on a morning when we badly need a distraction from the latest stark illustration of the bleak state of the world.








In other recent Andre news, he also extolled the virtues of Marmite in bolognese.

Truly the gift that keeps on giving. Peter babe, never change.


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Source: X/Ourrachblogs.