Politics comebacks election Rishi Sunak

Rishi Sunak said Labour would tax anything people could think of and this fabulous two-word response soared above all the rest

The election is nearly upon us and Rishi Sunak continues to prove people wrong. Those people, that is, who suggest his worst campaign that anyone can remember surely can’t get any worse.

The PM at the time of writing’s latest own goal came on Twitter where he – or someone working for him – thought it would be a good idea to tweet this.

And there was no end of very funny and totally on-point replies.

But one soared above all the rest.


And just in case you needed reminding, the personal wealth of Rishi Sunak and his wife Akshata Murty was up £122m last year, according to the Sunday Times Rich List. Their family fortune was estimated at £651m, up from £529m in 2023.

To conclude …