People are sharing the wildest reasons they’ve ever heard why a wedding was called off – 20 unceremonious endings
We’re at the high point of the summer which means wedding season is fully upon us. If you’re feeling jaded after forking out hundreds of quid on outfits and hotels to watch two people you barely know or like get hitched, you may appreciate this question posed by Reddit user amanda_babygirlxo:
“What’s the wildest reason you’ve ever heard for someone calling off their wedding?”
And there were plenty of stories about couples who definitely did not live happily ever after.
“A woman in my small town called off her wedding because she wanted it outside near some lilac bushes but that year they were late in blooming. She had a meltdown the day before the wedding.
Her fiance had second thoughts after that and broke the engagement.”
“Wildest? Bride was caught in bed with her stepbrother the morning of her wedding. I don’t know all the details, but it was apparently an ongoing thing between the two of them. Her maid of honor caught them and was so grossed out by it that she called the groom and texted him a picture.”
“A friend of a friend was engaged but they decided to end it when a fortune teller told her the couple had been siblings in a previous life. The weird part is it seems likely they don’t believe that but felt it sounded more reasonable than their real reasons.”
“The man got mauled by a bear during his bachelor party.”
“Wedding was called off the same day because the bride had just had a baby that night and she did not know she was pregnant. The groom was not the father.”
“The bride ran away with the groom’s father.
My cousin was in the bridal party. She hosted the bridal shower and spent a fortune on it, and the very expensive bridesmaid dress the bride demanded, only for the bride to elope with her future father in law the night before. My cousin was spitting feathers.”
“Not called off, but my cousin found out two days after her wedding that dude had a whole-ass kid he paid child support to every month and it just ‘never came up’ because they kept their finances separate.”
“A friend of my mother’s canceled her wedding days before the event. The friend had gone to church to pray for a successful marriage. As she was praying, a cloud covered the sun, making the church go a little dim. She took this as a sign from God that the marriage would be a mistake and cancelled.”
“A bird took a little shit on the brides dress, she went mental and cancelled the whole thing off.”
“I heard of someone who called off his wedding because of a fortune cookie. No joke. Before the wedding, he went out for Chinese food. After dinner, he cracked open a fortune cookie that read, ‘A hasty marriage brings regret’.
He started overanalyzing everything about his relationship and freaking out about getting married too quickly. By the end of the week, he was convinced the cookie was a sign and called off the wedding.”