Life funny weddings

People are sharing the wildest reasons they’ve ever heard why a wedding was called off – 20 unceremonious endings


“Childhood best friend cancelled her wedding due to mercury being in retrograde on the planned date. Said she couldn’t have that kind of negativity in her life.”


“I was going to be a guest at a wedding and found out it was cancelled two weeks before the date. The bride found out that the groom had gotten a significant discount on the price of the venue and she was insanely angry that anything at her wedding cost less than premium.”


“Someone said they couldn’t get married because their partner was allergic to their cat.”


“A coworker once said his sister called off her wedding because she finally got a look at the would-be groom’s toes. And apparently, they’re pretty nasty looking.”


“I know someone who broke up with her boyfriend because he put an expensive filet mignon on a George Foreman grill.”


“One of my friends called off her wedding because she found out her fiancé was leading a double life as a professional clown. She had absolutely no idea until she saw him in full clown gear at a kid’s birthday party when she was there for her cousin’s child. The shock was so intense that she couldn’t go through with the wedding! Now, she’s happily married to someone else, and she always laughs about how she dodged a pie in the face!”


“This one happened just after the fact: Wedding happens, everyone is at the reception and they can’t find the groom. He is discovered out in the limo having sex with the maid of honor. The bride takes the stage where the band is playing and brings the invited guests up to speed on what happened in the limo, naming the MOH as the co-participant, and also informing the guests that the wedding will be annulled and all their gifts would be returned. Awkward moment for the family of the groom.”


“My Italian uncle cancelled his wedding because the bride’s family (not Italian) would not serve lasagna at the wedding reception.

He ended up marrying an Irish woman whose family was okay with serving lasagna at the reception.”


“I once heard of someone calling off their wedding because their partner refused to give up their pet snake, claiming it was their soulmate and they couldn’t live without it. Needless to say, the wedding was cancelled shortly after that revelation.”


“About 10 years ago, we were due to go to a wedding but it was called off the night before because the bride got tickets to see Beyoncé on the day of her wedding and refused to miss it. She didn’t re-arrange because she lost her deposit on everything. She just cancelled it. To see Beyoncé.”

So far, so wild. But this one really takes the (wedding) cake:

“Oh, this one is a doozy. So, a friend of mine was all set to get married—venue booked, flowers arranged, the whole nine yards. A week before the wedding, her fiancé suddenly called it off with the most unexpected explanation. He claimed that he had been receiving ‘psychic visions’ from his future self. According to him, these visions were warning him that on their wedding day, there would be a freak accident involving a runaway llama that would somehow end up destroying the entire reception.

At first, everyone thought it was just cold feet manifesting bizarrely. But he was dead serious. He even went as far as consulting with three different psychics to validate his premonition. To top it all off, he started obsessively researching llama sanctuaries and farms within a hundred-mile radius to back up his claims. My friend was heartbroken but couldn’t see herself marrying someone so convinced that their future together would be torn apart by a rogue llama.

In the end, she moved on and found someone new, and as far as I know, there haven’t been any reports of llama-related wedding disasters in our area—yet.”


This bride and groom’s fight remains one of the funniest wedding stories ever – and the grossest

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