Life reddit

‘What’s something insane you saw but no-one believes you coz there’s no proof?’ 15 truly amazing stories

“This happened to my mom and I, but nobody believes our story.

“I was at the kitchen table studying when I was 16, my mom was cooking dinner. A fly was buzzing around and she swatted at it with a dish cloth, the same dish cloth that was on her shoulder being used as a hand wiping rag while cooking. While waving the cloth around, she let go of it, it flew somewhere behind her, and then it… was just gone. I mean gone gone.

“We both overturned that entire kitchen and even pulled out furniture (like the fridge) looking for it until we started to feel crazy. Was there ever a rag? Was she just using her hand and not a rag to swat at the fly and we were mistaken? It was so bizarre.

“Years later when the house was completely empty because we were moving out, we both went back in there and did one final look. No rag.

“So I guess in some alternate dimension, some gnome was sitting around and a portal opened to dump a wet cooking rag on it because what other explanation is there.

“EDIT: Wow! I didn’t expect this comment to get so much attention + comments about similar stories. I mean, surely some of our stories have logical explanations, even if we ourselves don’t know what they are; but what if there is some kind of real phenomenon that does this in other cases?

“I saw the dish cloth leave her hand and fly behind her! It looked like it went in a downward direction toward the floor, except it wasn’t on the floor. Like… what the hell? I still feel weird even talking about it and it’s almost 25 years later.”


“When I was about 6 I was running down the stairs at school, first to leave the classroom at the end of the day.

“I pulled a 50p coin from my pocket, but dropped it. It bounced down the stairs, and when it hit the floor at the bottom, landed perfectly upright on its side.

“For non English people, 50ps are a huge, thin, seven sided coin, and this is just so impossibly unlikely to happen.

“I stood and stared in disbelief, and tried to tell everyone that rushed past but no one seemed to believe me/care. Eventually I picked it up and went home with no one to share the moment with.

“One of the most exciting moments of my life.”


“I tossed a treat to my parents dog. It hit the dogs nose then bounce straight up into the air. Then it hit the dogs nose again and bounced up again. It happened 3 times before the dog caught it. Dog in question was a very lazy mastiff and it looked like something out of a cartoon. No one believes me.”


“My ex and I were driving around one night super late around 2 am, we were driving around the empty edge of town where theres a refinery. We were driving along a ridge road that overlooked a bunch of refinery stuff suddenly the street lights went out and the road was like Dark Dark, i pulled the car to a stop because we were going quick and suddenly I couldn’t see anything. My ex gasped and said “look!” The sky flashed bright for a moment then everything was dark, the refinery, the sky (cloud cover) everything.

“Then the whole sky turned green from behind the next hill, which i know for a fact theres nothing over there, a couple abandoned storage tanks and a basically unreachable beach at the bottom a forrest. It was bright, like nearing day light bright but green. Then it went dark again. Slowly emergency lights came on below, I didn’t wait around to see what was going on, we high tailed it back to town. There were fire trucks and police vehicles roving around the edge of the refinery full lights but silent.

“Back in town the power was also out and the streets were empty. Dead empty. Then three ambulances, again full lights but silent, were tearing down the other way towards the refinery. Then I noticed a cop about a half block behind me, full lights no siren, and it followed along the main roads then stopped at the corner of my residential. Never seen anything like that before or ever again. No one believes me.”

“My best friend and I both saw the outline of a man in my window in bed one night except he had claws and wings. We both thought we were imagining it until we both offhandedly mentioned it to each other the next morning but every one thinks we’re just nuts.”

“I threw a pair of socks at the wall light switch to turn it on, and it worked ”

“I pooped my pants in SOLIDARITY with my brother when we were like 6 (me) and 8 (him). I remember it. He denies it, but we did it Andrew, you pooped first, and I pooped with you. It was a cold day, we JUST got onto a frozen pond to skate after Dad put on out one-piece snow suits, we were about to have a great day and then you crapped your pants, and I did too because I didn’t want you to feel alone.
“Deny it all you want. I will NEVER forget it.”

Source: Reddit/askreddit.
Picture source: Image by benzoix on Freepik