Videos babies funny kids scotland

This compilation of babies with Scottish accents is totally braw or, if you prefer, bloomin’ brilliant

We’re not quite sure why this video, shared on Twitter/X by South Dallas Foodie, is so darn entertaining but the huge amount of likes and shares it has generated would suggest we’re not alone in our admiration.

It’s a compilation of babies and toddlers charmingly chuntering away in broad Scottish accents. It was first posted on TikTok by @wearescotland and it’s marvellous. There’s a little NSFW language sprinkled in for good measure.

@wearescotland #wearescotland #scottishaccent #scottishbaby #scottishkids #funnyscottish #funnyscottishvideos #scottishtiktok #viralscottishtiktok #scottishpatter #scottishbanter #scottishaccentissuperior #fyp #foryoupage ♬ original sound – WeAreScotland

And just in case that’s tricky to watch, here it is again, shared on Twitter …

Pure dead brilliant!






And we’ll leave you with a bonus baby…

And you can find @wearescotland on TikTok here!

Source @wearescotland