Sport corpsing cricket

This moment on Test Match Special after a commentator said they’d been ‘bareback riding’ is 29 seconds of pure joy

You don’t have to be a cricket fan to enjoy this, in fact it’s got nothing to do with cricket at all (except that it was on the BBC’s Test Match Special, obviously).

It was the moment that commentator Alison Mitchell shared that she’d been ‘bareback riding’ and it wasn’t just fellow commentator, former England cricket Phil Tufnell, who totally lost it. By the looks of it, it was the entire box.

Here’s how the tale unravelled on Twitter.

And fortunately for us, and everyone else, the good people of TMS were only too happy to oblige.

And cricketer and podcaster @AlexHartley93 sent it wildly viral.

And it got even better when @AlisonMitchell joined in.

Ah yes, a timeless classic!


You don’t have to recognise this American TV presenter to enjoy this fabulous comeback

Source @AlexHartley93