Celebrity katy perry

Katy Perry leapt to the defence of her ‘Woman’s World’ video and made it even worse – only 9 responses you need

Katy Perry’s got a new single out – no, stick with us – and it appears to have the entire internet talking about it, just not for the reasons (presumably) she might have been hoping.

First up, here’s the teaser video for Woman’s World, the singer’s first solo single in three years and, according to a statement from the star, ‘the first contribution I have given since becoming a mother and since feeling really connected to my feminine divine’.

And it’s fair to say not everyone was expecting the ‘feminine divine’ to turn out something like that. There was absolutely no end – no end! – of responses, but if you only read one then make it this one.

The Guardian’s review appeared to capture what a lot of critics were saying about it, describing it as a ‘regressive, warmed over hell,’ a ‘dated attempt at writing a feminist anthem … that made me feel stupider every sorry time I listened to it.’

Stung by this, perhaps, the singer put out another video helpfully explaining what she was doing to people who perhaps didn’t get it.

And it surely made the whole thing even worse.

To conclude …

Source @katyperry