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A boss asked his Gen Z employee to edit his promotional video and instantly regretted it and it’s just fabulous

An American real estate broker, Mike Hege, made a promotional video for his business which he intended to post on Instagram. Before posting it he thought it may need a bit of an edit, so he naturally chose one of his Gen Z employees for the task, for whom editing videos for social media would be second nature.

His employee turned out to be very competent at video editing, just maybe not in the way he was expecting.

It’s since had over 55 million views after it was shared widely on Twitter/X and other platforms. Here’s a version posted by internet hall of fame.

It’s breathtaking stuff.

Mike Hege may not have loved it, but pretty much everyone else certainly did…







And here’s the original Instagram post from pridemore properties.

H/T @InternetH0F