Weird World reddit

This person wasn’t willing to let their weird ‘shower thought’ go and the payoff makes one helluva splash

There’s a corner of Reddit called ‘shower thoughts’ which describes itself as a ‘subreddit for sharing those miniature epiphanies that make the mundane more amazing’.

And we mention it because of this particular shower thought which has just gone viral on Twitter and is a classic of the genre, with a payoff that makes a helluva splash.

It was shared without comment by @BitsHammer and, well, best have a read for yourself.

But what if the corpse was in the shower?

And here are just a few of the responses it prompted.

We’re off for a long bath.


People enjoyed this LBC man’s takedown of a Sun journalist who called him a ‘prick’

Source @BitsHammer Image Unsplash Margot Pandone