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People have been sharing the ‘most deluded person’ they’ve ever met and these 20 off-the-scale encounters don’t disappoint


‘Knew a nurse who was into homeopathy and thought it could cure anything. Her homeopathy guru came in with pneumonia and had to be persuaded to take antibiotics which saved her life.’


‘I once knew a guy whose work and retirement plans centred around him winning the lottery. It wasn’t the ‘Wouldn’t it be great to win enough money so you didn’t have to work again’ but more like ‘When I get the lottery winnings by age 40 I’ll be able to do XYZ’. He wasn’t a gambling addict either, just truly believed he’d win at some point.’


‘I worked with a guy who found out about the allowance foster parents got (about £10-15K/year) and was convinced he was going to foster 10 kids simultaneously, retire and live the high life off that.’


‘A guy I used to run into at pubs around where I live. He was very much a regular at multiple establishments. I’d chat to him occasionally as he had some fantastic stories. I can’t recall too many specifics, but he had a long tale about his one night stand with Cameron Diaz. It was quite detailed and relatively consistent each time I asked him to repeat it.’


‘A bloke at my old work walked around like he owned the place and got himself advertised as a ‘special guest’ at work parties where he would ‘perform’. He was one of the gimmick acts on an early series of Britain’s Got Talent. And absolutely nobody cared.’


‘A previous girlfriend started telling me about the conversations we were having in her dreams. At the time she completely believed they were real and would get very angry with me for the things ‘I’d’ said to her the previous night. When I challenged her she would be adamant that she had this psychic ability, and that I was a reactionary patriarchal male for not believing her. In every other respect she appeared completely sane.’


‘I know a bloke who thinks everything negative that happens to him or his family is because of some enormous conspiracy against him because he… wait for it… criticised the local primary school on Facebook once. Genuinely thinks social services, nurses, doctors, county councillors, his neighbour, local teachers are all colluding to have his family killed (nobody in his family has suffered any harm that wasn’t self inflicted).’


‘I’ve got a neighbour who keeps their bath full because they’re convinced the Russians are going to target the water supply.


‘I used to have an elderly client who claimed she invented popcorn.’


‘Someone posted on a local Facebook group saying they were looking for a two bedroom flat with assigned off street parking in Zone one (somewhere around Paddington I think) and that they wanted to pay no more than £1,200 a month. They did not take kindly to being told just the parking space would likely cost them that much.’

But one rather well-known deluded Brit topped all the others:

‘Dr Gillian McKeith becoming a successful life coach, celebrity, author and nutritionist on the back of a diploma she bought on the internet and a habit of sniffing people’s turds.’
-Big daddy cool

Source r/AskUK Image Unsplash