Life funny reddit

‘What is the dumbest hill you’re willing to die on?’ 27 petty beliefs that people would defend to the death


‘You do not have AN astigmatism. You just have astigmatism.’


‘Movies should be no longer than 1:30. The 90s had it right.’


‘Buying shoes for babies is silly.’


‘A ‘plump, juicy’ raisin is just a grape. Raisins should be shrivelled and dry.’


‘Backing up into a parking space is inconsistent with design and takes way more time than the time you save pulling out.’


‘You should make your bed everyday. It’s what separates us from the animals.’


‘The song ‘Country Roads’ is about western Virginia, not West Virginia. If you check the lyrics, the landmarks described are all in western Virginia.’


‘That nightmare before Christmas is a Christmas movie NOT a Halloween Movie. Yes, they are from Halloween Town, but the entire movie is about CHRISTMAS!’


‘Oat milk isnt milk. It’s nut juice.’


‘Planes should be boarded back to front.’


‘At the movie theater, nobody should talk during the movie. Yes, that includes whispering. No, you are not uniquely good at whispering without being noticed.’


‘People who hit the already lit up elevator button. I shouldn’t judge you, but I do. Oh. I do.’


‘Give me mother effing physical menus I can hold in my hands. None of this QR code bs with poorly designed websites and crappy UI/UX for mobile that have a million pages to click through and take way too long to load.’


‘A person cannot give 110% of effort and it drives me crazy everytime I hear an athlete say it!’

And here’s one that isn’t so petty but we can all probably agree with (unless Elon Musk happens to be reading):

‘Personal wealth over a billion dollars should be taxed at 100%.’

Amen to that.

Source r/NoStupidQuestions Image Unsplash