News italy tourism

The Daily Mail was furious about this Italy tourist’s statue shenanigans and the irony went so far over their head it went into orbit

Ah, the summer. A time of going on holiday, seeing the sights, and perhaps making ill-judged decisions in the heat of the moment.

Let’s face it, everyone likes to let loose on holiday. But hopefully most of us won’t make front page news like this unknown tourist in Italy, who sparked outrage by climbing onto a replica statue of Giambologna’s Bacchus in Florence.

She didn’t just climb onto it either. She also kissed it, mimed lewd acts, and grinded against it. Cue a social media meltdown as everyone chimes in with their hot takes. And of course, The Daily Mail led the charge.

And if you think the Mail was angry, you should see what their readers made of it (here are just four of the 1.1k comments it prompted).

‘So many of this generation lack social skills and are totally influenced by social media .’

‘It’s nothing to do with social skills or social media it’s down to a generation of parents not parenting and not instilling any basic values in their children everything starts in the home.’

‘People seem to have lost all sense of dignity and decorum, courtesy and basic etiquette. Everything is provocative simply to shock and draw attention to the perpetrator. Exhausting for the rest of society.’

‘Spend the best part of a century chipping away at the moral foundations of society and this is the result. Western Civilisation desperately needs to change course, otherwise we stand to lose everything.’

‘The good thing .. if there’s a total (electricity) blackout they’ll be silenced.’
fig tree

Total electricity blackout? Did we miss something?

Granted, it may not be a look you want recorded for the ages. But nobody got hurt and no precious antiques were broken. There’s a further wrinkle in the tale though when considering that Bacchus is the Roman god of agriculture, wine and fertility.

In short, Bacchus has become a byword for drunken revelry and saucy antics, so surely this unidentified woman was just living out everything he embodies?

It certainly goes some way to explaining her behaviour. Was this a random bit of statue sexy time, or had she done her homework? Perhaps we’ll never know. But these people surely said it best.










And thanks to the fountain of knowledge that is Crazy Ass Moments in Italian Politics, we also learnt this amazing fact:


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