Celebrity comebacks

Actor Reece Dinsdale’s magnificent takedown of this grim troll made everyone’s day better

At the risk of giving our age away and all that, my family were a big fan of ITV sitcom Home To Roost back in the day, starring John Thaw as the divorced dad who isn’t entirely happy when his oldest child, played by Reece Dinsdale, moves back in with him.

The Eric Chappell comedy ran for four series from 1985 to 1990 and jolly good it was too.

And we mention it because we’re still enjoying Dinsdale on Twitter, not least this comeback which went viral for reasons which will become obvious.

It started when Dinsdale tweeted an update about his latest role.

And for no reason we can possibly discern, it prompted this grimmest of trolls to get in touch, made even worse by the fact that they deigned to invoke the name of the late, great John Thaw when they did it.

And we’re glad he did – well, sort of – because Hinsdale’s response was of the epic variety.

Bravo, sir.

To conclude …

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