Politics ed miliband lee anderson self-owns

Lee Anderson’s ‘gotcha’ moment turned out to be a fabulous self-own and Ed Miliband’s response was simply textbook

With Reform UK leader Nigel Farage desperately seeking Donald Trump at the Republican national convention in Milwaukee, it was left to Reform UK chief whip (in a party of five MPs) Lee Anderson to question Ed Miliband about the government’s plans for Great British Energy.

Anderson thought he had a right ‘gotcha’ moment up his sleeve for the energy secretary and looked pleased as punch as he delivered what he presumed was the coup de grace in the Commons on Thursday.

Except it turned out he was wielding a particularly blunt instrument and his swing and a miss (enough with the metaphor – ed) makes for supremely satisfying viewing.

And what made it even more bizarre – and so much better – was that Anderson thought he did such a good job he was the one who originally posted the clip on Twitter.

Only one person was done up like a (U)kipper there, and it wasn’t Ed Miliband.

Bravo, Mr Miliband.


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