Life r/AskReddit work

In honour of the CrowdStrike outage, people are sharing their biggest work f*ck-ups – 19 of the best/worst


I sent a book to print with a blank page somewhere in the middle of the text. The printer noticed it half way through the run. I think the retail loss was north of $300k.


In a hardware store, was half-assedly shown how to use the paint shaker by my perpetually drunk manager. 5 minutes later I loaded the paint can incorrectly and it exploded, sending tint and paint everywhere.


I made a macro on a colleague’s laptop that made a fart when he hit the space bar.

That’s funny except he was late to work the next day, unaware, and then we were in our team meeting and they asked him to present a slide deck.

So that’s fun, and I admitted that one.


I ripped the whole top off an 11’7” box truck when I drove it under a 10’7” bridge
Via YouTube


I tripped over a fiber cable and took down the entire Texas voter registration system for a week.


I work at a restaurant. My boss told me to go dump a bin “in the parking lot” He meant the grease trap in the parking lot – I dumped a whole tub of dirty fry oil all over the parking lot. Was a shit show.


I was cooking rice in the kitchen, and took a sales call… 45 minutes of forgetting about it later, i saw people running around, and found out i started a fire that caused extensive smoke damage to the clothing store next to our office. Lucky we had insurance! They claimed over $1 million in damages.


I used to work at a bakery and one afternoon while closing by myself I accidentally left one of the freezers open all night, causing a ton of food to have to be thrown out. How I didn’t get fired after that I have no idea.



Accidentally gave an already irate customer the number for a sex hotline instead of the one for order support (in my defense, two digits got swapped and it was just bad luck).


I backed a forklift into a pallet of about 1000 lightbulbs. All of them broke.

FlirtyFairye had a different kind of work story.

It wasn’t a fuck up per se, but when I worked at McDonald’s nearly 20 years ago, some customer in the drive-thru threw a chocolate shake at me, yelling that he’d ordered strawberry.

I instinctively caught it and threw it back, hitting him in the face and getting chocolate shake all over the interior of his BMW. If my GM wasn’t standing damned near right next to me as it happened, I probably would have been fired.

And finally, a joke …

Let me tell you about this one time I was piloting a cargo ship through the Suez Canal…


People have been sharing the outrageous workplace treatment that tipped them over the edge – 18 proper jaw-droppers

Source r/AskReddit Image Imgflip