Celebrity food funny

Robert Irwin can handle the deadliest of animals, but can he handle the divisive durian fruit?

Robert Irwin, son of the late great Steve Irwin, is carrying on the work his parents started at their Australia Zoo, as well as being a TV presenter on Robert’s Real Life Adventures. He is also a very popular influencer on TikTok, with more than seven million followers.

Although he often handles deadly animals, like his dad did, he recently met his match with a piece of fruit, rather than a creature. He decided to film his first taste of the controversial room-dividing durian fruit.

Watch how that went.


Robert vs Durian…

♬ original sound – Robert Irwin

Claiming something isn’t bad is generally much more believable if you manage not to retch while you’re saying it. That’s our top tip for Robert.

It’s fair to say that people weren’t exactly convinced.

Does anyone else feel like he’s trying rreeeeaaallllyyy hard not to offend the durian?

I love that you hang out with terrifying animals all day but give yourself a countdown for a durian.
Alexandria Stone

Who on the durian fruit council is paying you to lie to all of us?
Angi Hodge

“It’s good” *vomits in mouth a little* lmao Robert you’re a character!

Are you tying to convince me or Yourself?
The Love Shack

You’re giving mixed signals, mister.

*dies* it’s not bad.

Minds me of the video of the little girl gagging at her mum’s cooking but she’s still saying it’s good.
Catie Handers

“Confronting” was a very polite description.
Susan Hercules Stuckey

One time in a dorm in college someone called campus security cause they thought there was a gas leak and it turned out some kids were eating durian.
Ro Mina

Robert will be that dad who eats whatever food his kids create, with his eyes watering, face red, saying, “It’s delicious, honey! Good job!”

The Man had what we thought was a valid question.

My question is who smelled it and thought, “What if this could be food?”


PETA trolled Steve Irwin on his birthday and people weren’t wild about it, they were furious

Source Robert Irwin Image Screengrab