Celebrity kamala harris Kathy burke nigel farage

Nigel Farage said Kamala Harris was a ‘black African woman’ and Kathy Burke’s magnificent comeback beat all-comers

Nigel Farage might be back from the Republican convention but it is probably no surprise to anyone, anywhere that his thoughts are very much still with what is going on at the US.

Specifically, Farage went on LBC to share his take on the likelihood that Kamala Harris will run against Donald Trump for the presidency following Joe Biden’s decision to stand down.

And there was something about what Farage had to say – wait for it – that caught people’s attention.

And while it prompted no end of entirely on-point responses …

… it was left, and not for the first time, to Kathy Burke to say it best.

National treasure strikes again.

To conclude ….

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Source @KathyBurke